Issue 10

Issue 10 Fall 2012

Issue front list


Tonja Torgerson

Tonja Torgerson grew up on the White Earth Reservation in northern Minnesota. She moved to the Minneapolis area at sixteen to attend the Perpich Center for Arts Education and later received a BFA from the University of Minnesota.

Christopher Jagmin
Christopher Jagmin attended the School of Fine arts at Indiana University, where he studied graphic design and silkscreen printing. After graduating in 1981 with an AB, Christopher Jagmin moved to Austin, Texas. There, he started his career as a graphic designer.
Teague Bohlen

Teague von Bohlen is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at the University of Colorado Denver, where he also serves as Faculty Advisor for the student newspaper The Advocate.

Sigrid Nunez

Sigrid Nunez has published six novels, including A Feather on the Breath of God, The Last of Her Kind, and, most recently, Salvation City. She is also the author of Sempre Susan: A Memoir of Susan Sontag.

Kamilah Aisha Moon

Kamilah Aisha Moon's poetry collection, She Has A Name, is forthcoming from Four Way Books.

David Dodd Lee
David Dodd Lee has published seven previous full-length books of poems, including Orphan, Indiana (Akron, 2010), The Nervous Filaments (Four Way Books, 2010), Abrupt Rural (New Issues, 2004) and Arrow Pointing North (Four Way, 2002). Sky Booths in the Breath Somewhere, The Ashbery Erasure Poems (BlazeVox, 2010) appeared as well in 2010.