A Poem by Robert Krut

Robert Krut

Robert Krut

Robert Krut is the author of three books: The Now Dark Sky Setting Us All on Fire (Codhill/SUNY Press, 2019), which received the Codhill Poetry Award, This is the Ocean (Bona Fide Books, 2013), and The Spider Sermons (BlazeVox, 2009).  He teaches at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and lives in Los Angeles.


There's a dragon sleeping on the roof, his tail trails the wall.
Your eyes invert themselves in sleep.
The stigmata was not from nails, it was from snakes escaping.
A boot on the throat is a tooth in the heart.
The lawn of the world makes us all trespassers.
Please come call the clouds with me.
With a wind, see an ocean, with an ocean, see slate.
I'm ready for anything.
When my stomach is ripped from my body, I fully expect it.
Three horns were too much, and I know I offer one to you.
A thousand leaves are worth one wish.
I forgot to forgo.
Crushing coal into a diamond is crushing a diamond into nothing.
I am making myself into a tree and I've been burying my feet for ages.
If you see Saturn has been haloed, you have seen your own face.
In the shoes of the world, the feet of the devil.
When the city turns its high rises inside out, the dimples will be your palm.
A firework of fingerprints explodes over the buildings.